Abstract:The experimental study on the mechanical properties of embedded steel strand hanger is carried out for the fabricated bridge members. By considering the parameters of hanger shape, embedding depth and whether or not to set P anchor, there are six different steel strand hangers to be designed and manufactured. The mechanical properties of steel strand hanger are tested by the pull-out tests. The test result shows that the bond strength between concrete and steel strand is lower, and its tensile strength is hard to play the role. The P-shape anchor set at the embedding end of steel strand to anchor the steel plate can greatly improve its bearing capacity and decrease the embedment depth. In addition, the strain of steel strand hangers for vertical hoisting, laying down and straightening a 130 t precast bridge pier in situ of expressway is tested to verify the safety of embedded steel strand hangers. The uneven mechanical properties of steel strand hanger are pointed out, and the optimization suggestions for the design of practical engineering hanger are put forward.